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Limewash is a lime paint that results in a matte finish with a soft look and feel. The standard Limewash is a two-coat application over primed drywall or other surface.

sCream Doorway Bed 2000x2000.jpg


As a lime-based product, Limewash is highly alkaline during mixing and while wet. It is recommended to wear a face mask and safety glasses during application. If skin comes in contact with Limewash paint and causes irritation, rinse with water. If Limewash Paint gets into your eyes, flush your eyes with water or an eyewash.


A normal brush or roller is fine to use for the primer.  Do not skip the primer stage (for interior walls) as you will have different results. 

Our paint is compatible with a wide range of mineral or water-based primers. Of widely available brands. we recommend Dulux One Step Prep, Taubmans 3 in 1 Prep or Taubmans Professional Undercoat as these have adhesion qualities suited to limewash paint.


We do not recommend primers with stronger sealing properties or glossier finishes, such as British Paints Water-based 4 in 1 Prep Primer Sealer Undercoat, as these provide a less adhesive surface for the limewash paint and may result in a different finish. If you have used a strong sealing or glossy primer, we recommend lightly sanding the primed surface prior to application of limewash paint to provide a more adhesive surface.


We do not recommend oil-based primers as these generally produce a more glossy surface.


A bucket, kitchen whisk or mixing paddle and a block brush are necessary tools for the application of Limewash. Limewash application using a paint roller or paint sprayer is not recommended. Paint rollers create lap lines and roller marks which compromise the aesthetic of a Limewash Finish. Limewash will clog a paint sprayer.


Typical coverage of Dalray paint is 10㎡ per litre, based on 2 coats of paint.


When our full sized product is mixed with 2.6L of water, it forms approximately 4 litres of limewash paint which is enough to cover about 40㎡ of primed wall with two coats. In other words, our 1.4kg product should be enough paint to cover an average sized bedroom (approximately).

Coverage for brick and render will be lower due to the porosity and absorbancy of those surfaces.

Bedroom with bed, curtains and beige limewash paint on walls


You would have received your powdered product in a satchel. 


Add hot water (50 degrees or your tap’s hottest setting) to a large bucket.  Adding too cold or boiling water will result in paint with a grainy texture. If the product that you purchased is supposed to make 4L of paint, be sure to add 2.6L of hot water. Once you have added the water, then proceed to add the contents of your Dalray Limewash paint packet to the bucket, mixing while pouring. Once added, mix the mixture thoroughly for 3 minutes or until the colour is consistent and there are no lumps.

If you are planning to only use some of the product and intend to store some for later, for every 1 gram of powder, mix with 1.8mL of hot water. Eg. If you were to use 100g of powder, mix with 180mL of water to make roughly 300mL of paint.

For best results, add the Limewash incrementally, not all at the same time. Mixed Limewash should be the consistency of whole milk. When fully mixed, the Limewash should be completely free of lumps. 

Please note that the colour of the paint while wet is significantly darker than it will be once dry. 

Now you're ready to paint!

Oxide pigments which are mixed in different combinations to create our Limewash paint colours
The paint will look translucent when you paint it on the wall, but it will dry opaque (and much lighter). So be sure to not over-apply. Once you have finished your first coat, put some foil over your limewash paint bucket and leave the first coat to cure for a minimum of 3 - 4 hours, or overnight for best results. Store the remainder of the limewash in a cool, dark place (or even in your fridge if you have the space).

Apply the mixed Limewash in a single thin layer in a consistent pattern. Common brush techniques for painting limewash include vertical, horizontal, crosshatch and figure eight movements. Avoid unattended drips and runs. Click play on the video to see a common criss-cross technique for applying limewash. The changes in direction of the paint brush helps to ensure that there is a textural pattern of movement to the paint when dried with some colour variation.

Two coats is generally all that is needed, depending on the surface.  Be sure to cover leftover paint with foil or glad wrap in between coats to stop it from drying out, and keep it in a cool, dark place. Be sure to re-mix the product well before applying the second coat.

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